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Why You Should Create a Summer Bucket List

June 2, 2014

Last fall, I created a “bucket list” or things I want to do during that particular season. I did this because there were so many activities that I love to do during fall. But the same goes with summer. And because MINNE-SNOW-TANS cherish summer so much, I intend to do the same thing with this precious season.

3 Reasons To Create a Summer Bucket List

  • It’s easy and keeps you on track with things you want to do.
  • Posting it on social media will keep you accountable for actually doing it rather than sitting inside on the beautiful summer days.
  • It’s just plain fun.

Instead of sitting inside like a lump on a log (stolen from my parents), I intend on doing a lot of outdoor activities…so the weather better be good. Here is mine:

Summer 2014 Bucket List


What’s on your summer bucket list?

Printable Goal Worksheet: How I Document My Goals

December 31, 2013
Scroll down for worksheet
Update: I have reorganized the worksheet for easier filling out process! Re-download now!

One of the things I love most about starting a new year is creating goals. Last year, at an all staff meeting our CEO asked us to write down three things that we would do in 2013 if we had 50/50 chance of dying in the next 5 years. That’s a pretty amazing question to think about for the year ahead. What would you do if you had limited time left on this earth? I’m guessing losing weight or quitting smoking wouldn’t be on it, right? Mine didn’t either. Last year on my list I wrote…

  • Get married
  • Go back to France
  • Write my book

While I didn’t actually do those things, I am getting married this year (May 17, 2014), I did go back to Europe (London…where I got engaged), and I wrote out the characters for my book. I realized though, that health is important to me so here’s my bucket list this year…

  • Get married (didn’t change)
  • Get healthy
  • Travel and spend quality time with loved ones

I’m sure some of you are saying, “But Amanda, those aren’t specific enough…how will you accomplish them?”

Luckily, I have made and FAILED many goals. I have learned from various goal techniques what it takes to make goals happen and documenting them in a way where you won’t forget them over the year is key! So I am going to help you learn from my mistakes.

Here is a downloadable + free goal worksheet that will help you plan your resolutions so this year they’re fail-proof. Of course, you’re going to need to throw in some determination in there, but I can’t do that for you! I will be posting my resolution worksheet tomorrow on the blog so you can see what I have come up with. Yay!


Download the Resolution Worksheet



What are your goals for 2014?

Current Status: Hacked and Busy

April 21, 2013


Hey guys.

I know it’s been a while since I have posted anything and there are two reasons: hacked and busy. I have been working my butt off trying to fix my site over the last few weeks. Someone from Anonymous hacked it. I don’t know why they would come after my little website but they did and I was very sad. I am just glad that they didn’t get my database because I didn’t want to lose all of my hard work! Alas, they did not. And now I will be backing up my website often! Special thanks to Breon for helping me out (I still don’t understand databases).

If you are a blogger or have a website, I highly recommend backing up so that you don’t have to start from scratch which is sorta what I decided to do (minus using my old database).

Little Ms. Busy Pants

And on top of all that nonsense, I have been extremely busy. I have been working full-time and doing a lot of side work with design and websites. I am currently working towards opening a boutique design co here in the cities which will start out small and then hopefully grow. I am super excited because I love doing branding, design, and really, anything creative. I hope to work with bloggers, local businesses, and entrepreneurs who need a brand that will take them to the next level.

Anyways other than that, I haven’t been doing a whole lot. We leave for london in a month which is really exciting and I have a list of fun stuff I want to do there but if you have any ideas, you should let me know. Anyways, it’s time to get back to work! I hope you have a lovely week! 

Fifty Shades of Grey Cast

July 3, 2012

This is who I see when I read Fifty Shades of Grey.


Anastasia Steele: Alexis Bledel
Christian Grey: Mathew Bomer
Katherine Kavenaugh: Emma Roberts
Taylor: Tom Hardy
Jose: David Wayman
Ray: Scott Patterson
Carla: Kim Delaney
Bob: Mat Malloy
Dr. Grace Trevelyn Grey: Julianne Moore
Carrick Grey: Colin Firth
Elliot Grey: Jamie Dorman
Mia Grey: Summer Glau
Dr. Flynn: Patrick Kennedy
Mrs. Jones: Maddie Corman
Elena: Diane Lane
Ethan Kavenaugh: Garrett Hedlund
Jack Hyde: Patrick Who

“What is it about elevators?” Fifty Shades of Grey is taking the world by storm with its impressive climb to the top of the book chain. Many have called it “mom porn.” And while, I agree with those who say that, I still think it has an interesting story with very intriguing characters.

The only qualm I have about this book and others like it (Twilight) are that they have an over-idealized . How many 27-year old, super attractive men are billionaire CEOs? But it’s not just that, it’s the way he is.

I am aware that there probably are a few guys out there that have similar characteristics and personality traits, but my problem lies with false hope for the women reading this book.

During the reading of this book, some women are comparing their significant other or future partner to him. And that is just not fair to our men. They are wonderful and they don’t deserve to be compared to Christian.

Just a reminder, he is a fictional character! However, the condo, on the other hand is not fictional…it’s for sale! Check out these photos.

Dislclaimer: This post isn’t sponsored by anyone, nor do I know if they are actually making a book, I just wanted to showcase who I think would be perfect for the roles.