Week 24-27 // Pregnancy Update

March 1, 2016


Hello everyone! 89 days until May 30 arrives. Don’t be fooled, I fully realize it could be more or less days depending on when she decides she is ready to join the world and until she does, I’m just going to keep my pillows close and my water bottle full. On to the update!

  • Length: 15 inches
  • Weight: 2 pounds
  • Fruit Size: Bunch of bananas
  • Geek Size: Camping lantern

*Based on 27 weeks.

  • Grace is opening and closing her eyes with ease.
  • Her brain is developing at a rapid pace, reading itself to control her own body.
  • Swimming is good for mom in the third trimester (I swam on Sunday).

Week 24 – 27

Feeling: I’m feeling good. I have caught a cough so I am hoping that lots of water gets rid of that quickly.

Health: I swam on Sunday and even though I felt like a whale (LOL), it was so refreshing to get back in the water and swim laps. I love swimming so much and grace seemed to like it too…put her right into a nap. Or at least I assume since she didn’t move much. I have the gestational diabetes test on Friday morning so I am hoping that goes well.

Maternity Clothes: I have them. I wear them. I am sick of them.


Nursery: Breon has painted the trim and walls. It’s absolutely gorgeous and I am so glad we picked Repose Gray from Sherwin Williams! It’s a stunning, neutral gray. Next, B will be painting the door and closet doors. And then furniture! So excited.

Sleep: Ugh. Well because I’m sick I’m only able to focus on last night’s sleep and that sort of sucked. But generally I’m sleeping okay. I need multiple pillows positioned to be comfortable and I move a few times a night.

Symptoms: Generally everything is good. She is growing so it’s putting a lot of pressure on my organs but I feel good-ish!

Movement: B finally felt Grace kick on February 23rd! It’s so awesome because his eyes became huge.

Best of the Week:

  • Week 24: Started a wall weaving for the nursery.
  • Week 25: Tested samples on the wall and chose a color.
  • Week 26: Shopping for fabrics for a few cousin sewing projects.
  • Week 27: (Thus far) Her kicking me like crazy.

Goals: Eat especially healthy this week because of the gestational diabetes test on Friday am.

Worries: When she doesn’t move for a while, I get nervous.

Other ongoings: I’m really trying to do things that I won’t be able to do when she gets here like just leave the house and go shopping or go to a coffee shop and just sit and work. Also working on some artwork for Grace’s room.

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1 Comment

  • Reply erin March 2, 2016 at 1:33 pm

    So excited for you, Amanda! Yay for swimming! What pool did you go to? And, repose grey FTW 🙂 Hope to see you soon!

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