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Week 28-29 // Pregnancy Update

March 21, 2016

Holy crap, you guys! 71 days until May 30 arrives. She is moving all about and loving life in there. I’m doing well and getting bigger by the week.

  • Length: 16 inches
  • Weight: ~3 pounds
  • Fruit Size: Pineapple
  • Geek Size: Barbie Convertible

*Based on 29 weeks.

  • Grace still has to chub out a bit in the next few weeks to get up to birth weight.
  • Meaning Mom will be getting bigger. Ugh.
  • The buds for permanent teeth are forming in her gums!

Week 28 – 29

Feeling: Relieved!! Last week I had the 3-hour glucose test and passed. I was really worried the night before but luckily it went well.

Health: Week 28 was super warm so I did some walking at night with Sen and during the day at work. It was nice on my birthday so I spent the day outside and walked with my mom for a bit. It’s week 30 tomorrow so the goal is to walk 3 times this week and do some leg exercises.

Nursery: Breon has painted the trim, walls and doors. He has a few areas to touch up and the closet doors (eww) to finish up but then the room is ready. He has also set up the crib which is so pretty and sturdy. I highly recommend the Babyletto Hudson Crib… as of right now….with no baby in it. 😉A few weekends ago, I painted a watermelon in watercolor, scanned that, and made a pattern and had it printed on fabric. It came out a little bigger than I anticipated but I love it nonetheless.

Maternity Clothes: After celebrating my step-dads birthday at Savoy’s Pizza, we drove to his sister’s house where my two cousins (who are also pregnant) were all hanging out. Aunt Mary decided to gift us with a super cute tees since we are all preggers. Aren’t they cute?


Sleep: As long as I have numerous pillows around me, I sleep great. I’ve been snuggling around one for the past week. If I don’t put one between my legs, my hips usually hurt in the morning. I am going to take a second to appreciate the good sleep I’m getting, as I know that later on in the third trimester I’ll start getting uncomfortable. Ahhh… sleep.

Symptoms: My ring finger is swollen so I don’t know if I’ll be wearing my ring anymore… which is a bummer. Otherwise, I’m good. Blood pressure is spot on. Glucose test was good. Weight gain is generally normal though I wish it were less.

Movement: She is kicking and moving all around. I love it. The other night I was watching TV and breon and I both saw her move my entire stomach. It’s very cool and weird at the same time. There is a baby in there!

Best of the Week:

  • Week 28: My birthday was fun. I did all the things I wanted. Shopping, eating, walking, and relaxing.
  • Week 29: Passing the glucose test was everything! I needed that.

Goals: Walk at least 3 times this week for at least 20 minutes per. Bonus points for a weekend swim.

Other ongoings: This week, I purchased a coffee table and console table for the living room and B put them all together. He has been a rock star with the stuff around the house and it’s great for my nesting OCD! At work, we move out on April 1 so these will be my last few weeks of driving to Hastings. That is WEIRD. One day (April 4) we’ll be working out of the new corporate office in Woodbury. YAY!

Week 21 – 23 // Pregnancy Update

February 10, 2016

I knew I wasn’t going to be able to make it back here weekly and as much as I would like to blame the excuse “I’m just too darn busy…” I can’t. I have time, it’s just that these days I am really really lazy. I hope you understand. And I didn’t take a picture. I will work on that for the next update.

  • Length: 11 inches
  • Weight: 1 pound
  • Fruit Size: Romaine Lettuce
  • Geek Size: Barbie Doll
  • Bebe may start hiccuping, causing jerking motions.
  • Fingers and toes are full formed – with fingerprints!
  • Pain in mom’s back and hips may increase (YUP).
enjoying a chocolate croissant and latte at rustica bakery; sen napping; adorable baby books; my new office building (moving in April)

Week 21 – 23

Feeling: I’m feeling great. A little tired here and there but generally still feeling good.

Health: I worked out last weekend and it felt good. It’s easy to push it aside with everything else going on, so I know I need to make it more of a priority. Had an OB appointment on Monday where my blood pressure was up… wasn’t happy about that. I have been checking it every morning and night this week and it’s been pretty good. Hoping that it’s nothing.

Maternity Clothes: Ugh. My coat doesn’t fit anymore but I REALLY don’t want to get another. A co-worker suggested checking out Burlington Coat Factory, so I might try that. I’m going to stop in at H&M tonight and see if they have any thing cute and cheap-ish for maternity.

Pinning: All the baby nursery things I can find. We are getting some great ideas from Pinterest. Isn’t this adorable?

Sleep: Excellent. Puppy woke up with a stomach ache last night but other than that generally good. Sleeping with an added pillow between legs for added support. I’m tempted to get one of those body pillow things. Just trying to save up right now.

Symptoms: Everything is stretching (round ligament pain) so it can be painful at times no matter what I do.

Movement: Felt movement exactly at week 21 while watching a Doctor Who episode. 🙂 Very exciting. She has been moving a bit but dad (B) still hasn’t felt her. So hopefully she’ll really get going once she gets bigger so he can feel her. AWW…she just kicked as I was typing this. Cutie.

Best of the Week:

  • Week 21: Feeling her move
  • Week 22: Getting paint samples to start testing on the nursery
  • Week 23: Registering for all the necessary baby things

Goals: Watch my sugar intake. Only get (decalf) latte’s once or twice a week, you know, instead of every day. Damn you, Salted Vanilla Latte’s at Caribou.

Worries: High blood pressure. Gestational diabetes test in a month.

Dreaming: I’m craving a trip somewhere warm, go figure. It’s about this time every year that I want to get the hell out of the tundra for at least a few days and soak up some sun. Oh well. Next year maybe!